A dark space with a rotating lamp sculpture that by its flickering light, induces a natural high. To be viewed with the eyes closed. If you are epileptic, or have a tendency to epilepsy, don’t go inside.
‘Sweet Dreams are made of This’ is a spatial experience with stroboscopic effect and entraining sounds that induces alpha wave activity in the brain – a state of mind which is associated with dreaming, relaxation and meditative rest which typically invites a greater feeling of harmony with our surroundings. It is a state that bring out compassion and love into our lives, a state that stresses the interconnectedness of the entire universe, a state that can motivate us to invite simplicity into our lives and encourages us to pursue non-materialistic lifestyles, a state that give us every reason to practice environmentally friendly ways of life.
This installation is inspired by the ‘Dreamachine’, a creation of the early 1960’s by the mathematician Ian Sommerville and the Parisian artist Brion Gysin, that also was a source of inspiration for artists of the Beat Generation, who celebrated non-conformity and spontaneous creativity.